
This uses the Vault and Postgresql provider to declaratively manage roles and databases in a single Postgres instance.

The Vault and Postgres provider must be configured appropriately:

provider "vault" { address = var.vault_address token = var.vault_token ca_cert_file = var.vault_ca_cert_file } provider "postgresql" { host = var.postgres_host port = var.postgres_port database = var.postgres_database username = var.postgres_username password = var.postgres_password sslmode = "disable" }


This Terraform configuration provisions and manages multiple databases a single instance of Postgres. It uses a custom module (terraform/modules/database) to create a new role and database for a given application. Vault is then used to periodically rotate the database credentials with a static role in the database secrets engine. To access the rotated credentials in Vault from Nomad, a relevant Vault policy is also created.


  • An existing Vault instance
  • To access the credentials in Nomad, Vault integration must be configured
  • An existing Postgres instance

Minimally, the Postgres instance should have a default user and database (postgres) that can has the privileges to create roles and databases. The connection credentials must be passed as variables.


The database module requires two shared resources from Vault:

resource "vault_mount" "db" { path = "postgres" type = "database" } resource "vault_database_secret_backend_connection" "postgres" { backend = vault_mount.db.path name = "postgres" allowed_roles = ["*"] postgresql { connection_url = local.connection_url } }

These resources provide a single shared backend and DB connection that must be passed to each module:

module "role" { source = "../modules/database" for_each = local.roles postgres_vault_backend = vault_mount.db.path postgres_db_name = postgres_role_name = each.key postgres_role_password = each.key postgres_static_role_rotation_period = each.value }

The for_each meta-argument simplifies the use of the module further by simply requiring a list of role objects as input:

postgres_roles = [ { name = "foo" rotation_period = 86400 }, { name = "bar" }, ]
  • name is the chosen name of the role
  • rotation_period is the password rotation period of the role in seconds (optional with a default of 86400)

The Nomad job obtains the database credentials with a template and vault block:

vault { policies = ["foo"] } template { data = <<EOF {{ with secret "postgres/static-creds/foo" }} DATABASE_URL = "postgres://foo:{{ .Data.password }}@localhost:5432/foo?sslmode=disable" {{ end }} EOF destination = "secrets/.env" env = true }


vault_addressVault addressstringhttps://localhost:8200
vault_token(Root) Vault token for providerstring
vault_ca_cert_fileLocal path to Vault CA cert filestring./certs/vault_ca.crt
postgres_usernamePostgres root usernamestringpostgres
postgres_passwordPostgres root passwordstringpostgres
postgres_databasePostgres databasestringpostgres
postgres_hostPostgres hoststringlocalhost
postgres_portPostgres portstring"5432"
postgres_rolesList of roles to be addedlist(object)


  • Any new entries must also be added to allowed_policies in the vault_token_auth_backend_role.nomad_cluster resource in Vault to be available by Nomad.