Cloud Images

Cloud images are pre-installed disk images that have been customized to run on cloud platforms. They are shipped with cloud-init that simplifies the installation and provisioning of virtual machines.

Unlike ISOs and LXC container images, Proxmox's API lacks support for uploading cloud images directly from a given URL (see here and here). Instead, they must be manually downloaded and converted into a VM template to be available to Proxmox.

Warning: When cloning the cloud image template with Terraform, qemu-guest-agent must be installed and agent=1 must be set. Otherwise, Terraform will timeout. As such, it is recommended to create a further bootstrapped template with Packer and Ansible.

Manual Upload

  1. Download any cloud image:
$ wget
  1. Create a Proxmox VM from the downloaded image:
$ qm create 9000 \
    --name "debian-11-amd64" \
    --net0 "virtio,bridge=vmbr0" \
    --serial0 socket \
    --vga serial0 \
    --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci \
    --scsi0 "local:0,import-from=/path/to/image" \
    --bootdisk scsi0 \
    --boot "order=scsi0" \
    --ide1 "local:cloudinit" \
    --ostype l26 \
    --cores 1 \
    --sockets 1 \
    --memory 512 \
    --agent 1
  1. Resize the new VM (if necessary):
$ qm resize 9000 scsi0 5G
  1. Convert the VM into a template:
$ qm template 9000


A full script of the steps above can be found at bin/import-cloud-image.

$ import-cloud-image --help

Usage: import-cloud-image [--debug|--force] [URL] [FILENAME]
